Meanings of Symbols on Packaging

Meanings of Symbols on Packaging
Meanings of Symbols on Packaging
Meanings of Symbols on Packaging

Packaging, which ensures the safe transportation, storage, and delivery of products to consumers, is an indispensable element in logistics. As discerning consumers may notice, there are certain symbols on each package that provide important clues to both consumers and carriers with the information they contain. In this blog post, we will discuss the meanings of the symbols commonly seen on packaging.

Recycling Symbols:

These are symbols that provide information about the recycling features of the packaging. They are usually represented by numbers inside a triangular arrow. For example, the "PET" symbol indicates that the packaging is made from PET plastic. Through these symbols, consumers can easily understand the recycling features of the packaging.

Environmentally Friendly Symbols:

Some packaging contains symbols indicating that the packaging is environmentally friendly. These symbols may indicate that the packaging is recyclable, biodegradable, or free from harmful substances. Green leaf symbols or "ECO" labels identify such packaging.

Food Safety Symbols:

One of the symbols commonly seen on the packaging of food products is symbols related to food safety. These symbols indicate that the product inside the packaging is safe for consumption and has been stored under appropriate conditions. For example, the "ISO 22000" mark on the packaging indicates that the packaging meets food safety management system standards.

Production and Expiry Date:

The dates on the packaging generally indicate the date of production and the expiry date of the product. This information provides important details to consumers about how fresh the product is and within which timeframe it can be consumed.

Nutritional Values:

The nutritional value table found on the packaging of almost all food products provides information about the amount of carbohydrates, protein, fat, and calories in the product. This information plays a critical role for consumers aiming to develop healthy eating habits.

In summary, product packaging carries various symbols such as recycling symbols, environmentally friendly symbols, food safety symbols, production and expiry dates, and nutritional values. These symbols on packaging provide important information to both consumers and carriers. By paying attention to these symbols, consumers can contribute to making the packaging sector more environmentally friendly while ensuring that the consumed product is healthy and safe.

At LuxBoxPack, we provide packaging solutions tailored to the evolving needs of our clients in different sectors. Contact us at +90 212 438 82 15 to get detailed information about our product range.
