Waste paper is any kind of paper, pasteboard, and cardboard that completes its function in any area of use and is discarded. Paper is one of the materials that have an important place in our daily life. Paper whose main material is wood; It is used as newspaper, magazine, wrapping paper, napkin and thrown away. On the other hand, studies on recycling paper continue and unnecessary tree cutting is prevented to some extent.
Paper and cardboard packaging materials, which are turned into bales, are trimmed and reduced in size so that they take up less space and can be easily processed in the recycling facility. It is then subjected to a secondary screening process. After this process, waste papers go to the pulping process. After the pulp is formed, the papers are separated from their inks by applying various bleaching chemicals together with the air. At this stage, the pulp is brought to the desired color. After going through the purification process, it is now suitable for new paper.
We can clearly understand the importance of even a single tree in the difficult period our country is currently in. For this reason, paper and paper packaging recycling now have vital importance for our country. We, as LuxBoxPack, offer creative packaging solutions with products using recyclable materials.
Paper Waste Recycling Processes
The recycling of paper waste consists of some important stages.
- It is collected separately from other wastes after use.
- For recovery, it must be collected separately, cleanly, without wetting.
- The blue color is deposited in the deposition equipment.
- It is placed in the collection box by being compressed so that it does not take up volume.
- It is not mixed with other wastes during collection.
- Paper and cardboard wastes collected separately are brought to licensed recycling facilities.
- Paper waste is processed in recycling facilities to produce paper and cardboard again.
Paper waste, which passes through these stages, is recycled and allows us to have a sustainable nature and to keep us away from unnecessary tree cutting.
Paper Waste Bins
There are now paper waste collection boxes on every corner in our country. The use of these boxes is now of vital importance for our nature. Recycling a used paper reduces air pollution by 74-94%, water pollution by 35%, and water use by 45%. Adding 1 ton of waste paper to the pulp prevents 8 trees from being cut down. Recycling is a very productive economic investment in the long run. Human beings are faced with many economic problems in the future as a result of the gradual depletion of raw materials and natural resources. At this point, recycling is the best opportunity for the recovery of the economy. On the other hand, many recycled wastes will contribute greatly to the prevention of environmental pollution.
Get Eco-Friendly Packaging with LuxBoxPack
LuxBoxPack is making a significant effort to produce recyclable products. You can contact the expert team of LuxBoxPack to bring your brand together with environmentally friendly packaging.